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Emergency Supplies/Kits

Things you should have:

Two pairs of Latex, or other sterile gloves (if you are allergic to Latex).

Sterile dressings to stop bleeding.

Cleansing agent/soap and antibiotic towelettes to disinfect.

Antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.

Burn ointment to prevent infection.

Adhesive bandages in a variety of sizes.

Eye wash solution to flush the eyes or as general decontaminant.

Thermometer (Read more: Biological Threat)

Prescription medications you take every day such as insulin, heart medicine and asthma inhalers. You should periodically rotate medicines to account for expiration dates.

Prescribed medical supplies such as glucose and blood pressure monitoring equipment and supplies.

Things it may be good to have:

Cell Phone



Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant

Non-prescription drugs:

Aspirin or nonaspirin pain reliever

Anti-diarrhea medication

Antacid (for upset stomach)


The Smarter Emergency Kit


When the next world-crushing disaster strikes — tsunami, quake, dirty bomb, whatever — one thing is certain: You're on your own. As hurricanes Katrina and Rita showed, help may not arrive for 72 hours. Don't fret. Wired has your back with these shopping lists for your DIY emergency kit. Because when everything goes to hell, you'll want gear that gives you an evolutionary advantage over your less-prepared neighbors. Clip and save; lock and load.The House Kit

Store all this gear in a sealed plastic trash can or containers. It won't cost as much as you think: You probably own most of this stuff already.A. First aid You could buy the $25 kit from Red Cross. Or you could build your own: bandages, alcohol, cotton balls, antidiarrheals, anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen, and prescription meds. B. Clothes A full change, including warm outer layers (wool or synthetic) and sturdy shoes, for each person under your roof. C. Plastic sheeting Fiber-reinforced, laminated polyethylene film, 6 mm thick. You can buy 1,200 square feet of Dura Skrim DS2 for about $100. Or get a tarp — for covering broken windows, roofs. D. Zip ties Handy when you have to make splints, compression bandages, or tourniquets. E. Water A gallon per person, per day. For a family of four, that's 12 gallons. If you have the space for that, great. If not, keep as much as you can manage. Have unscented bleach on hand, too — 16 drops in a gallon and you've got potable H20. Tea bags make it taste OK. F. Food Raid the pantry: dehydrated soups, canned tuna and veggies, nuts and candy. Peanut butter is high-calorie and has a long shelf life. You can also buy freeze-dried camping meals. G. Flashlight We like the Inova X5 — it's water-resistant, aircraft-grade anodized aluminum and uses LEDs. But a cheap drugstore version and some batteries will do just fine. H. Protective wear Waterproof and cut-resistant Kevlar gloves and N95 face masks. I. Tools A crowbar to pry debris that might stand between you and a loved one. An adjustable wrench. Screwdrivers. A staple gun. Rope. J. Matches You're probably not a Boy Scout. Get the kind marked waterproof and windproof and store 'em in a ziplock bag. In another bag, hoard some dryer lint for kindling.The Go Pack

Keep these items in a backpack that's readily accessible — you know, in case you have to bail at a moment's notice. One bag per person.K. Radio A cheap transistor set with batteries is fine. Or you could get something that'll pick up TV and NOAA bands and that has a hand crank, like the Eton Grundig FR300 — it comes with a cell phone charging jack and built-in flashlight. If you want to splurge, see page 95. L. Cash $500 in small bills. ATMs won't work when the power is out, and neither will credit card readers. M. Documents A copy of your home insurance policy, plus contact numbers, medical insurance card, passport, driver's license, bank records, and photos of family members. (A local map and spare keys may come in handy, too.) N. Mylar space blanket It's a super-compact means of both keeping warm and reflecting heatstroke-causing rays of sun. O. Clothes Put spares in a waterproof bag. Remember a hat. Toss in a few basic toiletries, too, like a toothbrush and toilet paper. P. Food Make room for sports nutrition or candy bars. Nuts and trail mix are good options, too. Include a bottle of water. Q. Essential medicines Whatever you've been prescribed, plus sunblock and ibuprofen or acetaminophen. R. Duct tape Well, duh. S. Signal devices Roadside flares will do. Or you could get Greatland Laser's Rescue Laser Flare — two AA batteries and you have 72 hours of 20-mile-visible brightness. Also try the Fox 40 whistle (115 dB!). T. Multitool Whether you come down on the Swiss Army side or the Leatherman side of the greatest debate of our time, just have one with you. Make sure it has a can opener, a good knife blade, and both Phillips and flat-head screwdrivers.

Lets start the check list:

At work:

howto.html" \l "atworkhowto.html" \l "atworkI have read my company's evacuation plan and know where to meet after an emergency.
howto.html" \l "atworkhowto.html" \l "atworkI know where exit routes, fire extinguishers, and medical kits are located.
howto.html" \l "atworkhowto.html" \l "atworkI have assembled supplies and have them stored in my desk.
howto.html" \l "atworkhowto.html" \l "atworkI carry a list of important phone numbers in my wallet.


The car:

howto.html" \l "thecarhowto.html" \l "thecarI make a point to keep the tank full.
howto.html" \l "thecarhowto.html" \l "thecarI keep tools in the trunk.
howto.html" \l "thecarhowto.html" \l "thecarI keep the car mechanically sound and ready to use.
howto.html" \l "csplyhowto.html" \l "csplyI keep supplies in the car for use in an emergency.


At home:

howto.html" \l "athomehowto.html" \l "athomeThe water heater is strapped to the wall.
howto.html" \l "househowto.html" \l "houseI know where to shut off the water, power, and gas and have placed the tools at each location.
howto.html" \l "househowto.html" \l "houseAnything that would have fallen on my head has been secured to the wall.
howto.html" \l "househowto.html" \l "houseI have moved the bleach and ammonia to separate locations.
howto.html" \l "househowto.html" \l "houseI know the unsafe locations in the house.
howto.html" \l "househowto.html" \l "houseI have made an emergency plan and know escape routes and meeting places.
howto.html" \l "househowto.html" \l "houseEmergency lighting has been installed in selected outlets.
howto.html" \l "neighborhowto.html" \l "neighborI know the location of the nearest police, fire station, and hospital.
howto.html" \l "neighborhowto.html" \l "neighborI know which neighbors have medical experience.
howto.html" \l "neighborhowto.html" \l "neighborI have talked with my neighbors about emergency preparedness.
howto.html" \l "neighborhowto.html" \l "neighborMy neighbors have keys to my house, and they know how to turn off my utilities.
howto.html" \l "neighborhowto.html" \l "neighborMy neighbors also have a list of my important phone numbers.
howto.html" \l "familyhowto.html" \l "familyMy household has conducted a home evacuation drill.
howto.html" \l "familyhowto.html" \l "familyMy children know how to get help from neighbors and 911.
howto.html" \l "familyhowto.html" \l "familyEach family member carries a family photo.
howto.html" \l "hsplyhowto.html" \l "hsplyI have evaluated what supplies my family needs to store.
howto.html" \l "hwaterhowto.html" \l "hwaterI have the proper amount of water stored for emergency use.
howto.html" \l "hfoodhowto.html" \l "hfoodI have stored emergency food supplies.
howto.html" \l "hcookhowto.html" \l "hcookI have stored cooking items for emergency use.
howto.html" \l "hshelterhowto.html" \l "hshelterI have stored emergency items to use as shelter.
howto.html" \l "hmedicalhowto.html" \l "hmedicalI have a first aid kit.
howto.html" \l "hlighthowto.html" \l "hlightI have stored emergency lighting equipment.
howto.html" \l "hcomhowto.html" \l "hcomI have stored items to keep in touch with the world.
howto.html" \l "htoolhowto.html" \l "htoolI have positioned tools that I will need in an emergency.
howto.html" \l "hsanihowto.html" \l "hsaniI have stored sanitation supplies.
howto.html" \l "hbabyhowto.html" \l "hbabyI have stored supplies for the baby.
howto.html" \l "hmischowto.html" \l "hmiscI have stored misc. supplies including money for emergency use.